Five books cover reveal

Hi everyone! I have finished writing book 4 of The Psion Saga and am working on book 5. For those who have already read books 1 and 2, you won't have to wait long to find out what happens to Sarlice and Taeon. Book 3, Claws That Cut Both Ways, is being release in the next few months. The publisher PublishMyBook.onlin just has some final tweaks to do with the print layout (I do my own typesetting and cover design), ebook conversion then it will go up for sale! So excited. 

I usually design at least a first draft cover before I write each book, so here are all five covers. Yes, there is a fair bit of AI artwork in here, but I piece everything together and spend days on the graphic design work. My engine of choice is because it allows outpainting and upscaling for very reasonable prices. I sometimes also use elements from other services. 

The artwork on book 2 is by a real artist, named Adele Sessler, who is very talented. Unfortunately, being a single mum nowadays working part time, I cannot afford to pay for artwork, but with my Photoshop skills and the wonder of AI, the below covers are exciting and colourful.

I would love to know what you think and if you're interested in reading my books. Here are the blurbs for all five of these classic high fantasy adventure novels for adults and young adults (13+):


I waited longer than most Kriites to meet my first kindred. Once I had an icetiger by my side it seemed I might not be the quartermaster’s apprentice for long. The artefact that awakened rare psionic powers propelled me into danger.


I had come to the attention of the followers of Zeidarb, the demon king. His Zeikas attacked me on my first mission, spewing green fire and conjuring demonic beasts to rival my kin. Even with the ability to take animal form I was not skilled enough to defend her or my people.


I need to learn fast, rescue my kin and free the other captives. After that I must learn why the rulers of Telby have taken an interest in me. Why have they allied with our enemies? What do the Zeikas know about my bloodline that my own people do not?


What exactly is a master psion, and do I actually want to be one?



Sarlice and I came to Tanza to escape from the Zeikas, and we were not prepared for a realm on the brink of war. Where should our loyalties lie—to our home tribes, to Tanza or to all Kriites?


The Zeikas have their fire magic, dragons and other demons, but they lack the strong bonds formed by Kriites with each other and with their kin. They cannot transform or communicate using the waves like I can. They don’t have skyearls fighting alongside them. Kriites will not give up Tanza without a fight.


Now that I have a skyearl of my own, the very skies have opened to me. I was slow to come into my powers in Jaria, but here everything moves too fast.


They have a new title for me in Tanza: Master Psion Taeon.



Bal Harar finally found a way to lure Taeon to Reltland—by capturing Sarlice. It won’t be long before the Zeika leader can wield the powers of a master psion. To use them fully he must force Taeon to reveal what he can do. The Arcane Arena is the perfect place.


Sarlice is a worthy opponent to the fighters of Feladaire, where she makes her own plan of escape. She knows Taeon will not stay away like she told him to but perhaps, together, they can find a way out of this nest of demons.


Taeon hates the Zeikas now more than ever, but when he finds his own brother among them he has to make a choice. Use him to get more information on his enemies, set him aside or convince him there is a better way of life.


The Kriites form a new Sapphire Guarde, which is tasked with finding more sapphite artefacts and training Anzaii to overcome Zeikas. Their first mission is to free Lyth from the Telbion occupiers at Regents Keep.


In Telby the Princess Denliyan has given birth to Taeon’s son, Rade. Bal Harar is there using Taeon’s psionic power to capture Kriites. This makes the Wavekeeper cult even more vigorous in their attacks against the Anzaii.


With a crippled foot and a mind-link to the Zeika leader, Taeon must shift his thinking, not just his body. He will need his kin and loved ones if he is to finally rescue the survivors from his tribe. The Zeikas have finished their campaign in Tanza, so why is there a summoner at Fireflow Mountain?


Taeon and Sarlice finally get the conclave of the Sapphire Guarde to agree to a mission in Telby City. Sarlice is sent to smooth things over with the guilds, promote their cause and try to find out where the Telbions keep their sapphite hoard.


It is Taeon’s mission to investigate the atrocities that are befalling Kriites in the city, but he also intends to capture his baby son, Rade, and put an end to Bal Harar’s violation of his powers. To that end, he actually chooses to fight in King Flale’s Red Arena!


This brings him to the attention of Prince Joram who is from Duuryn. Not being the brightest individual, Joram believes the baby is his, and is a doting father. The Kriites glean vital information from Joram that leads them to send Kime, Riftweaver and Jett to Irin seeking an Ancient Sapphire Tree.


Taeon faces Bal Harar in the arena, but the conflux of psionic and demonic powers has some unintended consequences.


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