How to get your fantasy novel published

If your writing is top quality and your world is unique and interesting you may be able to attract the attention of a publisher or agent. If you have a social media following your chances are even higher. If you prefer to be independent it is very easy to self-publish. You can use a service like or go direct to vendors like Amazon and IngramSpark.

Traditional publishing

As someone who has never been traditionally published, I am not an expert on this space. However, I do have friends who are both authors and small indie publishers. Their journey is very similar to the self-published author journey. A manuscript must be edited, typeset, converted to ebook. A cover must be designed and a marketing plan must be create and enacted. 

The cost involved in bringing any product to market properly is thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars. If you want to sit back, relax and write, the traditional publishing route may be better for you. You will not have to typeset, design covers or enact a complete marketing plan all by yourself. However, you will be expected to make editorial changes the publisher asks you to, and attend marketing events, and run a systematic, thorough online marketing platform.

If you want to maintain decision-making power and flexibility, then traditional publishing may not be for you. If you want to avoid meeting new people and promoting yourself at events, a traditional publisher might not be too keen. If you can't be bothered with social media then you'd better have a jaw-dropping amazing book that is so good it's going to sell-itself AND $20,000 minimum for pay-per-click advertising to get it going after launch.

To find a publisher that might be interested in your book you need to get very familiar with those that publish fantasy. If you are writing in Australian English you are limited to Australian fantasy publishers, or UK ones if they want to take a chance on an author living across the other side of the world. If you write in US English you may be able to submit to US publishers of fantasy. Research and networking is the only way to find out which of them are interested in new author submissions. Sometimes smaller publishers are a good way to cut your teeth and get your foot in the door.

A publisher has to make a financial investment in you. It is not going to happen unless they are sure:
  1. Your writing is turn-the-page-now engrossing and top notch
  2. Your world-building is unique and not full of cliches and stereotypes
  3. Your characters are edgy and modern with strong women and minority representation
  4. Your plot is solid, interesting and devoid of the over-trod paths of tropes readers may be sick of
  5. You are presentable (enough for social media), engaging, personable
  6. You are committed to market your author platform
  7. You are keen to network with other creators, readers and people involved in fantasy-related events
If, like me, you feel that you fall down on some of the points above, perhaps you would rather self-publish and forge your own path.


Self-publishing is fun, but difficult and expensive to do it right. You can do it wrong in lots of ways and completely fail. If you are a fantasy writer, you have probably got a Microsoft Word document that you could load up to Amazon Kindle and let it convert to ebook format and you're away. You're published. Except did you remember to:
  • Have your text edited by at least one continuity/comprehensive fantasy novel editor and three different proofreaders?
  • Design a professional front cover (or pay someone to)?
  • Ensure there is no copyright infringement in any part of your book?
  • Formulate a marketing plan, including pay-per-click ads?
Perhaps, like me, you enjoy writing more than book production and marketing. At least if you are self-published you are only responsible to yourself and not a publisher. If you don't feel like posting a new video, blog or social media post, you will only be letting yourself down. This is where I am right now. I have a job, I have kids. There's not a lot of time left for writing, and I don't want to spend most of it trying to promote myself. 

I write for myself, because I love it. I don't have $20,000 to spend on advertising. I don't even have $5,000 to pay for a male audiobook narrator, so I've been dabbling with doing it myself. My writing is not generating any income for me at the moment and is a labour of love. I want readers to enjoy my books and of course I dream of getting any kind of recognition, but the real reason I am writing fantasy novels is for myself.

Assisted self-publishing (or the hybrid publishing model)

In this model you can use a service like, Book Baby, Smashwords, Lulu, Xlibris, Draft2Digital and countless others to self-publish your books. You can hire an editor, proofreader, cover designer, typesetter and project manager through these kinds of services. They will help you to self-publish your book, ensuring you can avoid the pitfalls mentioned above. 

Whichever method you decide to use, marketing yourself and building an author platform and pay-per-click advertising are going to be required if you want to enjoy any kind of success.

Good luck!


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